Bag Design for "BEYOND" tote bag company
Brand Design, Graphic Design, Package Design, and Design Thinking
NBA Finals History Website - Created to encourage young adults (half of the NBA's target audience) to seek community in a Loneliness Epidemic  
UX Design, Graphic Design, and Design Thinking
All-Health App - Making organic food affordable for low-income communities to foster thriving health and well-being.
Brand Design, UX Design, and Design Thinking
10 Sec Play
10 Sec Play
Life in Color Exhibition Reception
Life in Color Exhibition Reception
Flyers for Events at Sitar Arts Center
Graphic Design and Marketing Design 
Go-Go Music Website (Awarded the 2021 Elmer O. Aaron Award & Graphic Design Senior Capstone Citation Award)
UX Design, Design Thinking, Graphic Design
Dreadlock Website Process Book
Concert Quad-Fold
Concert Quad-Fold
Quad-Fold Concert Design (Apart of Uarts Graphic Design Department Admissions Email)
Concert Book
Concert Book
Storybook about a Concert
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